Friday, June 21, 2013

Everdale Farm

Much was learned from the trip to the Everdale Farm, as it showcased the natural and organic method of growing food. Instantly, I became aware of the hard work and nurturing that goes into organic food and the reason for its inflated price. After, only 1 hours of hoeing immediately became aware of the hard manual labour that goes into weeding out plants, such as the asparagus one. This differs from commercial farming as they often turn to pesticides to remove the weeds, however this might have some detrimental health risks. Another significant change observed on the farm, is the treatment of their livestock. Chicken where nurtured rather then force-feed and they also were given a sense of freedom which essentially made them healthier. Ultimately, farms such as the Everdale one, still offer the same service and nutritious foods past generations have been accustomed to. Their lack use of pesticides and GMO’s gives people a sense of care and thus make them more supporting of local farmers. In conclusion I enjoyed the time spent on the farm as it not only enlightened me on the benefits of local farming but also demonstrated that some people still care about the quality of their food rather than the profits produced.

The following blogs appeal to me significantly because they offer a variety of good easy recipe choices. Furthermore most of the selections offer organic and healthy ingredients that fit in perfectly with my healthy lifestyle. The pictures depicted in the blogs also bring light to the food and make it seem that much more appealing, this ultimately gets intrigued in the recipe and often try to recreate it. Although I often mess up the recipe, it still holds a great value, as it is my incompetence that ruins the food and not the actual recipes. The integration healthy recipes are very significant as most people now try to stay fit and modernize their diets into a healthy one.  This relates back to the Everdale farm as, the ingredients needed for majority of these recipes are the same ones, which can be purchased in the farm. The healthy organic food is evidently very significant in today’s society as more and more people are attempting to consume it over the GMO alternatives.

I dont know if this counts

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Philip DeFranco and The Philly D show

One of my favorite news broadcasters is Philip Defranco -- made famous by his Philly D show, Defranco not only enlightens the viewer on current news, but makes sure they are entertained in the process. The genius Philip Defranco and his crew “sourcefeed” often review stories which are anywhere from 2 days old to current, on his channel on youtube. Defranco’s sense of humor is often within reason; I find his humor often comes from his personal intake on the news broadcast and not at all distasteful. Some controversial humor often come from broadcasts regarding ethnicity, this comes off as Defranco sometimes, speak on the stereotypical side, which sometimes lead to problems and which in some cases may insult me. Along side world news Defranco also shines a light on everything relevant to the average viewer this ranging from serious news, to sports to even fashion trends. Among 2.5 million subscribers, i often refer to one of Phily D's shows for my every day intake of news. Furthermore, his show only runs for about 8-15 minutes depending on the news covered thus not taking only a small portion of my time, and if more information is required there is often a link to the article in the description. One of my favorite broadcasts included the victoria secrete fashion show; this was due to Defranco humors coverage of the event. Ultimately, I regard Philip Defranco as one of the most influential satirical broadcasters and my go to news anchor.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Etienne-Jules Marey

Etienne-Jules Marey
Etienne-Jules Marey was a French scientist and a chronophotogropher, born in Beaune, France in 1830. Marey enrolled in the faculty of medicine to study surgery and physiology in 1849. After studying the circulation of the blood, Marey published Le Mouvement dans les fonctions de la vie in 1868. From 1863, Marey perfected the first elements of his 'methode graphique', which studied movement using recording instruments and graphs. Using polygraphs, sphygmographs, dromographs and other myographs, he succeeded in analyzing diagrammatically the walk of man the results – was published under the name La Machine Animale in 1873. He later perfected the 'photographic gun', which gave him the ability of taking twelve still images in one second. In 1882 Marey quickly abandoned his gun and invented a chronophotographic fixed plate camera, equipped with a timed shutter. Using this, he was able to combine several successive images of a single movement.

Chronophotographic Gun
Chronophotographic Camera

In 1888, Marey invented a method of producing a series of successive images of a moving body on the same negative in order to be able to study its exact position in space at determined moments, which he called ‘chronophotographie’. Marey was able to improve his earlier invention by replacing the glass plate with a long strip of paper. The success of the invention caught the attention of the Academie des Sciences. He continued to improve his invention; two years later the sensitized paper strip was replaced by transparent film. Marey’s invention had a drastic impact on the world of cinematography as all succeeding cameras were based on the principles first applied by Marey. By the late 1890 and early 1900, Marey made a considerable number of motion analysis filmstrips of high technical and aesthetic quality including the very beautiful self-portraits of Marey and DemenĂ¿, the recording of the movement of a hand, and the famous falling cat. Finally in 1894 Marey published an important work, titled Le Mouvement, which covered all his researches, this had a considerable influence on all pioneers of the cinema that soon followed. The founding father of cinematographic technique “Etienne-Jules Marey,” died in 1904 leaving his research and legacy behind.

Pelican flying- Marey